JACKPOT 8 LINE FAQ: About Your Account and Contact Us

Q: How can I find out my "MYID" ?

There are two ways to find your Player Number.
1. tap on the gear shape setting icon at the upper right corner, and tap on "Help" button to see your 12 digit "MYID".
2. Your Player Number is also shown on the login page while starting the game.

Q: How can I contact Ironbear?

You can contact us through
1. Go to our official Facebook page to send a message. 

2. Go to the game--> Setting-->Help-->Contact us.

Attention Please, Ironbear or JACKPOT 8 LINE does not ask you to provide your account number and password at any time or through any channel. Do not trust any person, group, or fan page that asks you to provide your account number or password on behalf of Ironbear or JACKPOT 8 LINE.

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